继续教育 Instructors

Headshot of Leah Amyakar smiling利亚AMYAKAR

Leah Amyakar, Ed.D. Teacher in elementary, secondary, and Adult Education programs, 加州学校的小学校长、家长教育工作者和地区行政人员. 加州州立大学长滩分校教师培训项目讲师, La Verne College, and University of Phoenix. Mah Jong instructor in community centers 还有社区大学. Volunteer interpreter at Fort Nisqually, Community emergency 备灾协调员,妇女收容所工作人员培训师,PJ图书馆协调员, and Alzheimer’s Association volunteer. Avid mystery reader and traveler.

man in plaid shirt against yellow background卢卡斯巴菲尔德

Lukas has been teaching for TCC 继续教育 since 2018. 他教过广播 & Podcast classes, Cannabis Certificate classes and must recently Microsoft Word. He holds a Master’s Degree in Education and has experience teaching Math, Science 和技术. He brings his passion for technology and love for teaching to the Microsoft for Seniors class. Lukas believes continuing education an important part 终身学习. He has taught middle school, parochial school, and in college 设置. He brings his passion for teaching to 塔科马 Community College.

Photo of instructor Monica Baird.莫妮卡贝尔德

莫妮卡在克鲁日(特兰西瓦尼亚-罗马尼亚)出生并长大,对语言充满热情. Highlights of Monica’s career include working with Doctors Without Borders in Cluj (Romania) and teaching Spanish at two private schools in Lynnwood, WA; Soundview School 和布莱顿学校. 目前 Monica is teaching Spanish at Edmonds College.


I am a full time visual artist and art instructor living in Lakewood, Washington. I received my BFA with focus on printmaking. I work primarily from my home studio. 在过去的几年里,我一直在用各种媒介进行艺术创作,包括绘画, textiles, mixed media and collage. Dreamlife, encounters with nature, animals and everyday life influence the imagery and symbolism in my work. 人和文化 从广泛的环球旅行到我周围的太平洋西北部地区, ignite my creativity and stimulate my imagination.



教练乔西·埃蒙斯·特纳(Josie Emmons Turner)带着红色镜框坐在露台的椅子上,脸上挂着灿烂的笑容.乔西·埃蒙斯·特纳

乔西·埃蒙斯·特纳的诗歌最近发表在《澳门威尼斯人在线赌场》中: 《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》,《澳门威尼斯人在线赌场》,以及《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》 You Are Gone from This World (Poet’s Choice). 她有 taught poetry workshops to youth and adults and is a contributor to West Sound Magazine. 她 lives on a beautiful estuary 带着她的秀犬加比在吉格港喂奶,她在花园里练习法式烹饪, and is a former 塔科马 Poet Laureate (2011-2013).



阿蒙·格林面带微笑,带着墨镜和背包蹲在通往水边的台阶上. 阿蒙·格林

Amon Greene has been teaching Tai chi chuan for almost 25 years and practicing for 超过30. Tai chi was instrumental in his 25-year career in massage. 阿蒙一直 a competitor and instructor in the martial arts since the age of 5. 2010年,他旅行 来到上海,观看吴丹第一次公开表演太极拳 僧侣. His lifelong passion for Tai chi has many inspirations but none greater than the teachings of master Chungliang Al Huang, through his Living Tao Seminars. 目前 he is working as an adjunct faculty at TCC and has collaborated on translations of the Dao De Jing, Confucius’ Analects and Sun Tzu’s Art of War. 这将是他的荣幸 if you’d join him in playing with the art of Tai chi chuan.


莱斯利·J. Hall the author of the Kaitlyn Willis Road Signs mysteries, a humorous, PG-rated, amateur sleuth series starring a NW code enforcement officer. 她还写道 women’s fiction and in training to become a book coach. Leslie loves to speak, teach, and share her passion for writing with others. When not writing, Leslie volunteers 主持作家相关活动的“写作之夜”(每周一次的虚拟便利评论活动) 小组),在社区大学继续教育中教授初级写作 much as 可能的, and when not doing all of that, hangs out at the beach whenever 可能的. 她 lives in Bremerton, WA with her husband and her pandemic rescue cat, 米娅. Learn more about Leslie’s writing and her classes at www.lesliejhall.com.


Kit Kapphahn's head shot, she is smiling big and bright with bright happy eyes. 装备KAPPHAHN

Kit Kapphahn是一位专门研究中世纪文学和文化的中世纪学家 Britain, especially Wales, and its neighbors. 她拿着一个 PhD in Celtic Studies from 阿伯雷斯威斯大学即. Her research focuses on the reflection of life in literature - how the past may be a foreign country, but it's one we can visit and understand. 基特曾在英格兰、威尔士和美国任教,是英国的一名活跃成员 国际亚瑟王协会的分支,北方凯尔特研究协会 America, and the North America Wales Foundation.





一位经验丰富的园丁和园艺师,对可持续发展和环保充满热情 实践. With 45 years of gardening experience in various climates and soil conditions, Tom has developed a deep understanding of plants and their needs. 汤姆开始了他的旅程 1990年,作为犹他州摩押之友(Friends of Moab)的创始人,这是一个致力于教育的组织 the public about the use of native and drought-tolerant plants in landscaping. To 为了进一步推动这项事业,汤姆写了一本指南小册子来帮助人们将这些纳入其中 plants into their 风景. Serving as a Master Gardener through the University of Utah Extension Service, Tom went on to teach Master Gardener classes. 分享他的 knowledge and empowering others to develop their gardening skills has always been 这是他的首要任务. He’s owned and operated landscaping businesses, was a member of Thurston County Seed Savers, and now, Tom operates his own landscaping business in Bremerton and Port Orchard, Washington. This venture allowed him to continue providing 专业的服务同时适应特定的气候和土壤条件 该地区. Throughout his career, Tom’s accumulated extensive knowledge and expertise in gardening, landscaping, and promoting sustainable 实践. “我一直很敬业。 分享我的知识,赋予他人力量,创造美丽,环保 风景.”

Instructor photo of Meghan Lancaster. 梅根·兰开斯特

Meghan is a textile artist and sculptor living and working in 塔科马. 她拿着一个 摄影学士学位 & Filmmaking and an MFA in Textile 艺术 & 服装设计,还有她 studies include book binding, paper-making, printmaking, and photography. 她有 在亚利桑那州和华盛顿州的社区大学教授设计、摄影和艺术史, 以及加州和华盛顿社区中心的摄影和纺织艺术. 她的其他兴趣包括天文学、历史、诗歌、音乐、神话和太极 (which she taught privately for nearly a decade). 她 likes to hang out in maker spaces trading information and ideas. Her only “hobby” is self-designed, mostly handmade 她在一些奇幻和科幻竞赛中赢得了认可.


丽贝卡·莱克萨M.A., OMN, is a lifelong nature nerd who has always enjoyed sharing her love of the natural world with others. 她有 a Master's Degree in counseling psychology 拥有生态心理学证书,同时也是俄勒冈州认证的博物学家大师. 她在不同的教学场所任教近二十年,是一位经验丰富的教师 公众演说家. Rebecca teaches her online courses from her art studio on the southwest 她住在华盛顿海岸的一个农场里,有20只鸡,一群羊, innumerable ducks, and the best dog in the world.

Photo of instructor Beth Owen mid watercolor session with a big smile on her face.贝丝欧文

贝丝·欧文是一位以色彩丰富、光线充足、现实主义的水彩画而闻名的艺术家. 她特别喜欢用透明水彩画的乐趣和挑战. Many of Beth’s original watercolors are owned by individual collectors and she has received recognition for her work at several watercolor exhibitions. 作为西北水彩画协会的签约会员,她喜欢分享水彩画 techniques with anyone else interested in 学习 this medium. 她基本上是自学成才的,尽管多年来她已经适应了几门课程 art classes at local community colleges. Her main inspiration and instruction came from studying the works of other watercolor artists.


詹Parretta称, LMFTA, ABS, ATR-P是一个致力于好奇心和终身的倡导者 学习. With a Master's Degree in Relationship Art Therapy from Antioch University 以及性治疗、创伤治疗和自然疗法的认证, Jenn brings a wealth of unique expertise to her classes. With nearly a decade of professional 在艺术创作的经历中,她对以自然为本的艺术有着深厚的热情; oil painting, and mixed media arts. When she's not at her therapy clinic, Jenn can be found teaching art and leading nature art walks around the 塔科马 area.


Born and raised in Milan, Italy, 芭芭拉 is a dedicated teacher and musician that 最近搬到西雅图. Her grandmother was a piano teacher, and she grew up been surrounded by music and musicians. 她 attended the Conservatory of Milan graduating in Music Theory and Complementary Piano. Deeply passionate about places and cultures, and about how humans and territory interrelate, 芭芭拉 spent many years traveling 学习人文学科,社会研究,文化研究,音乐作为一种手段 communication and expression. In her spare time, she reads a lot of books, watches a lot of documentaries and hikes in the wonderful nature of 的PNW. 作为一名音乐家, she has performed and recorded with several artists both in Europe and the US. 她 作为一名专业的教师和音乐家,主要教授音乐,意大利语, Italian history and culture. In addition to teaching, 芭芭拉 is currently completing a BA in Human Sciences of the Environment and Territory.


Judith's passion for art began in college with oil painting at PLU. 毕业后 茱蒂丝在芝加哥工作,她花了四年的时间,每个周末都去参加 the School of the Art Institute to receive certification in drawing; Being surrounded by art and artists was embedded in my spirit, where it remains. 这要求澳门威尼斯人在线赌场去 study, development and work. I love sharing this joy with others.




Photo of instructor Ken Pimpleton with a big smile on his face. 肯PIMPLETON

I began my teaching career at Highline Community College in the Fall of 2006 prior 完成我的社会工作硕士学位和公共管理证书 at Eastern Washington University. In October of 2007, I resigned from full-time employment at Lakeside, but still work there as a consultant on a per-diem basis. 我继续 接受社区咨询学院项目经理/评估员的职位 塔科马. Now I teach in Human Services and Chemical Dependency full time at 塔科马 Community College and part time at Highline College. I am the Chair of the DOH SUD Advisory Committee, the Treasurer for WACASE, the Secretary for the TCC Teacher's 工会,也是州教师工会的财务主管我还是几家公司的顾问 SUD机构.


二十多年来,马克·理查兹(Mark Richards)一直与有抱负的人分享他对音乐的热爱 guitarists in the Gig Harbor area. As an experienced instructor, he has helped countless students discover their musical talents and master the art of playing the guitar. 除了教学之外,理查兹本身也是一位有成就的音乐家 served as the lead guitarist for The Shy Boys, Gig Harbor's number one cover band, 17年来. His passion for music is infectious, and his dedication to his students and craft is truly inspiring. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player looking to take your skills to the next level, Mark Richards is the perfect guide to help you achieve your musical goals.


Instructor photo of 芭芭拉 Smith.芭芭拉•史密斯

从职业治疗领域退休后,芭芭拉·史密斯深入研究了 感觉的世界. Wet felting is the ancient art of turning raw 羊毛 into clothing, rugs, vessels, shawls, jewelry, and yurts! The possibilities are endless. 芭芭拉 在匈牙利、苏格兰和美国跟随教练学习了毡的艺术和工艺 from 的PNW, Canada, Japan, and Russia. During the pandemic, 芭芭拉 took a series 来自国际感觉学校的在线课程,这导致了一个装置 that included felted fish and birds. 感觉是一个神奇的过程,使用水、肥皂和操作来产生惊人的效果 创作. I have taught felting classes in Arizona, Hawaii and here at home in 的PNW. It is my joy to share the experience of making functional items out of raw 羊毛.

Headshot of David Turnipseed大卫TURNIPSEED

David Turnipseed是Puyallup部落的一员,曾是一名语言教师 for the Puyallup Tribal Language Program since 2018. Their mission is to revitalize tx æ lšucid语言. David has a Master’s in Education and has taught all ages 在各种各样的设置. He follows the values of ƛ’ububƛ’ub, kʷaxʷalikʷ, ʔabalikʷ -- be kind, be helpful, be sharing. In his free time, David likes to go on adventures with his wife and kids, play D&D, and take kickboxing lessons.